There are LOTS of reasons why I choose eclectic homeschooling… I call myself a “Pick & Choose” homeschooler. {If you’re like me, you might be one, too!} So you might be a Pick & Choose Homeschooler IF: 1.) If someone asks what method you use and you begin your sentence with “Well, it’s like this….” If you need a paragraph to explain which homeschool method you use…Yep. You might be …
Marriage Monday ~ Encouraging
One good thing we can do for our marriage is to be an encourage wife. How can we encourage our husband? What steps can we take to be more encouraging?
Mother’s Journal ~ June 15, 2012
Tidbits of life and nuggets of goodness gathered this week, harvested and blended like a tasty cup of hot tea. Grab a sip and savor the flavor of life here at Classic Housewife.