Homeschool Mother’s Journal


The week I felt like a chicken with it’s head cut off..


In my life this week…

This was such a busy week for me! By the end of the week I started feeling a little cross-eyed and worn out!

In our homeschool this week…

Homeschool this week consisted of more prepping and planning. I used the rest of the money that I had saved up (earned through my blog) to purchase our bible/worldview curriculum, math for Little Prince, Vocabulary Packets and Figuratively Speaking for Princess, our Mystery of History book with notebooking pages and coloring pages, and the lab kit for our science. (Last week I’d ordered math for Princess and previously I had purchased science for the younger two. All I have left to purchase is junior notebooking journal for Little Prince, and General Science for Princess. But since we’re easing into the school year with only Bible, Math & Language Arts for the first week or two, I have time.)

In addition, I’ve been printing off all the freebies and cheapies (and the two history downloads I already mentioned) that I’d gathered for the new school year. I purchased a new toner cartridge and a ream of paper just for that purpose. Phew!


Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

You might want to start getting ready for the school year BEFORE two weeks before the year begins.
Also, you may want to inform hubby before hand that you bought that toner INTENDING to use it up all at once. You know, just so he’s prepared and doesn’t freak out. Hypothetically. 😉 Otherwise you may have to try to convince him of this:

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

We wanted to make use of our last week without school so we visited with several friends this week. Princess also had an orthodontist visit and we were happy to hear that her journey with braces is almost over! They’re hoping to bit able to fit her for a retainer next time, they’re just waiting on her last 12 year molar to grow in some more. Yay!

What’s working/not working for us…

The two chore related apps that I reviewed this week? They’re working pretty good for us!

Things I’m working on…

Getting ready for the first day of school on Wednesday, a few more things to do for that.

Getting ready for the Mommy Time Party on Tuesday, check out this week’s reviews – there will be giveaways for those next week! Don’t forget to RSVP for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

Getting ready for a canning class I’m going to be teaching with my mom on Wednesday. A little bit more prep left to do for that also!

I’m cooking…

This week we made home canned pasta sauce!

I’m grateful for…

The way God always works everything out. He always takes care of me!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Some linky love for you..

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!