
Yes, it’s true. Though I can’t say that I’ve been doing a whole lot with it.

Over a month ago I put myself in bloggy time out, and what did I go and do? I spent more time on Facebook.


And I still wallowed in my funk and neglected my responsibilities. Ah, well, there’s no undoing the past. Though I did get a good vacation/rest/visit with my mom a couple weeks ago and I came back a little more determined to get my priorities in order, get my job done and take care of my responsibilities.

But Y’ALL. Catching up is hard!

Now when I say, “priorities and responsibilities,” I’m not talking about blogging. I’m talking about God-given priorities and responsibilities. God. Family. Home. Church. You know, the REAL stuff.

Just the same, one of the reasons I put myself in the bloggy corner was to reassess my priorities as it regards to blogging, too. Way back when (back when I was Bringing Good Home – if you can remember back that far, or if you even knew that I used to blog there) I wrote a list about my blogging priorities. I had this really great post about how blogging wasn’t going to come before other responsibilities and ways to make sure that didn’t happen.

But trying to blog and make money as my husband keeps encouraging me to do – that makes it hard. That takes time, that interferes with the ways to keep my priorities straight, then it starts encroaching on the priorities. It’s a really muddy, crooked, and obscured line.

But I’m certain that even if God were to bless me with a little income on the side, it’s can/should/WILL happen while I’m keeping my priorities straight.

Which means I go back to my list. I go back to taking care of my chores before taking care of my posts. I go back to posting when I can, if I can and not falling into the “deadline” mentality. My people are DEPENDING on this next post! They’re going to wither away if they don’t get it!

As if.

Blogging is fun. Hopefully blogging can be beneficial. Maybe for some of you, it’s even a job. And that’s okay.

But Y’ALL…. There is life out there, out beyond blog land! It’s running around and making messes in your house or drawing doodles that say “I love Mommy.” It’s in the kitchen making chocolate chip cookies, and at bedtime prayer. It might even be in the bedroom waiting for you to get off the laptop. Don’t find yourself too caught up in writing about life that you can’t take the time to stop and actually enjoy it with the ones you live with.

Go. Now. LIVE.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!