by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 107 RESULTS
Leftovers School at Home

Preschool: Apples & Seeds Unit

*This post contains affiliate links.* Apples, seeds (and a little bit of pears and other fruit trees.) These are the things that we are studying in our first preschool unit! As I’ve mentioned, the majority of our preschool approach is “books, hands on activities, and nature study.” While using apple and seed themed materials to work on reading, writing, and math, we are also learning about science, art, cooking, gardening, …


How to: Taking Your Own Homeschool Senior Portraits

How to Take Your Own Homeschool Senior Portraits Taking your own homeschool senior portraits is a bit of a challenge but something you can totally pull off with some planning and effort. (This is something else we were trying to do in the middle of graduating early and planning a graduation and registering for classes.) Ideally, you won’t be trying to get all of these things done at once. Even …