by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 236 RESULTS
Just Me

Clearing Cobwebs

You know how sometimes you are going about your business all fine and dandy and then you switch on a table lamp and suddenly, the biggest cobweb ever catches your attention out of the corner of your eye? You look up and realize there’s not one but several.. The kind of cobwebs that make it look as though you never clean your house ever. Your house might as well belong …

Just Me

My August Whole30 Challenge

Have I gone mad? Some may say “yes.” I would be inclined to disagree, naturally. I think I’m fairly sane. =) My First Whole 30 Back in April, I joined a good friend in a 30-Day challenge, a Whole 30 challenge, and I did it. I completed it. The whole thing! I’ve never succeeded at anything like that before. It was difficult in the beginning but it soon got easier …