by Classic Housewife

Showing: 76 - 78 of 236 RESULTS
Just Me


Children… are not quiet beings. They laugh, they talk, they giggle.. they argue and crash and bang and boom. And they have noisy toys. They click and they squonk and they beep. Noise itself doesn’t bother me. Too much noise, too loud noise and most of all REPETITIVE noise really stresses me out! When the son grabs his talking toy and keeps hitting the button so that it says “Be-bomp-be-bomp-be-bomp-be-bomp..” …

Just Me

I Must Be A Lousy Texan.

I love my state. It’s a part of who I am and I take pride in my heritage. But I have a confession to make. I don’t like EVERYTHING about Texas. I don’t like cowboy boots. For shame! I know! But I’d much rather trade them for something trendier, like this: And the cowboy hats? Sorry, but I don’t wear cowboy hats, either. I won’t judge YOU for wearing them, …

Just Me Our School

Popinjay: Grief

Good grief! That’s the way the I’m taking this week’s Popinjay photo prompt, “grief.” I don’t know that I’d have a picture for a serious kind of grief anyway, but I know that it’s not where I’m going. Not today. Today I’m going to show you a picture of something that causes me a lot of grief in our homeschool, because it frustrates me as a teacher, it annoys me …