You keep using that word.. I do not think it means what you think it means. ~ Inigo, Princess Bride Just a fun little post today on malapropisms. Do you ever find yourself reading something, particularly something written by your Average Joe–a blog post, a Facebook comment, and so on– when you find yourself suddenly stopped in your tracks by the obvious misuse of a word or phrase? Yeah. That. …
Just Me
All the craziness that goes on in my life (and my head) on a daily basis.
10 Things About Me Right Now
For the last week of the iHomeschool Network themed 10 Weeks of Top Ten posts at Many Little Blessings, the theme is “things about me.” Well, that’s really broad. But school is coming up, I’ve got several projects I’m working on and some other changes going on right now, so how about ten things I’ve got going on in my life right now? Our wedding anniversary is coming up! On …
Captain Jack, 6 Months
For those of you who remember us bringing home a 2 week old, syringe feeding, baby Cockatiel back in January,… Yes, Captain Jack is still alive, healthy and happy. And I think..maybe.. He’s a she. Duh duh duhhhh.. He’s six month’s old now and he’s molting: The yellow striped feathers are growing back in (the boys are supposed to lose those when they molt.) But the yellow on his/her face …