by Classic Housewife

Showing: 25 - 27 of 201 RESULTS
Blogging and Memes Our School

Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~ January 13, 2013

In which we attempted to return to routine.. and mostly succeeded. Mostly. In my life this week… Life returned mostly to “normal” this week (whatever that is) and we strived to achieve our daily routine of getting up, eating breakfast and getting busy with school. There were a couple of days where our “getting busy” was more like “starting at lunch time” but we got it in! Not surprisingly, we …

Blogging and Memes Our School

Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~ January 4th/5th

The one where we tried to start doing school again.. and then went shopping. In my life this week… Hey, guess what? We homeschool!! It’s been so long, one might have started wondering. We took a humongous break to move. Monday I decided we were going to try to ease back into school, knowing that we wouldn’t do any school on Tuesday, but thinking we’d do school the rest of …