In my life this week… Once again, I found myself feeling less than stellar this past week. My body finally lost the battle with the head cold and it just really wiped me out. We were supposed to take a school break this week, but I had decided that we weren’t going to — but then I got sick so we did. We just go with the flow. Even when …
Our School
Lotion Bars, Art Projects and the Sickies
In my life this week… In a lot of ways, this was just a really off week. The kids bickered all week. Princess ate enough to feed two people and slept in late nearly every morning. I said I thought I was coming down with something, then hubby did come down with something, and I developed a sinus headache that would not quit. I still think I’m fighting off some …
Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~ 1-18
The week with the sniffles, the send-off, and the organizational projects. In my life this week… Another successful week on the path back to normal routine. We did school pretty well, considering that we were battling some colds in this house. This was my first week practicing my new Healthy Habits and I did really well with that, too! We brought more of the remaining stuff over from the old …