Fidgeting drives me nuts. I’m just going to be honest and throw that out there. When Drama Queen was learning how to read and she was sitting on my lap, she wiggled like something crazy and it drove me batty! I wanted her to sit still because I can’t focus like that — but she NEEDS to wiggle! After I figured that out I had her sit next to me …
Our School
ABC’s of Homeschooling ~ Extra Math Practice
Wow! I received LOTS of feedback and suggestions for “E” words on my Facebook page. Thanks, y’all rock! (If you need ideas that’s the place to look!) I try to pick a word that’s very relevant to the way we do school, or at least to where we are at that point in time. Today I chose “Extra Math Practice.” There are a handful of common concerns among homeschooling moms, …
ABC’s of Homeschooling ~ Documentaries
Oh, Netflix. I adore Netflix (even after the price hike – we use it enough we’re still getting a good deal.) One of the many things we watch on Netflix are documentaries. I adore documentaries. So do my kids. Mostly. We use documentaries to supplement in areas we’re already learning about, learn about new things we’re just curious about, or my favorite-for educational “entertainment” on teacher sick days. Yes. You …