by Classic Housewife

Showing: 70 - 72 of 201 RESULTS
Our School

Overcoming Obstacles & Phonics ~ ABC’S of Homeschooling

Obstacles. I can’t say that word without thinking of “O Brother, Where Are Thou” and how they say it as OB’STACK’els. But I digress. Obstacles are a part of life, and most certainly, a part of homeschooling. There is almost an unwritten guarantee that your child will dislike and struggle with either math or reading. (Or if not one of those, writing.) In our house we’ve run up against all …

Our School

Notebooking ~ ABC’s of Homeschooling

There are so many different methods, resources, approaches, etc, for homeschooling — it can make a newbie homeschooler dizzy! Or even some of us who’ve been at it for years. I bet every homeschooler can list at least a couple of things they tried that they didn’t like, or didn’t stick with for one reason or another. (Take lapbooking — I really like the sound of it but we just …

Our School

Kicking Off the New Year, Live Animals, and Music ~ The ABC’s of Homeschooling

Here we are nearly 3 weeks into the new year and I haven’t done a single ABC’s of Homeschooling post! In fact, I haven’t done many posts at all! There’s been several things going on over here. We got back into school after a long break (sorta, more on that in a minute,) we got a baby cockatiel, we’ve been sick — not very fun, and we’ve got some new …