by Classic Housewife

Showing: 58 - 60 of 201 RESULTS
Blogging and Memes Our School

Mother’s Journal, May 4

May the 4th be with you! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist! I always miss it… ;0) Starting this week I’ll be joining in something new, something called the Homeschool Mother’s Journal. It has “homeschool” in the title, but truly, it provides an opportunity for me to journal more than just homeschooling things from the week– sharing new recipes or pictures or links, painting a more complete picture of our week. I …

Our School

10 Steps For Teaching Math With Less Pain

Welcome back to our FINAL “episode” of the TEN DAYS OF TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY  BAD HOMESCHOOLING… We’re going to wrap up with a subject that just makes me cringe. I mean, really. It’s intimidating and stressful and no fun to teach! Why? Because nobody likes Mom The Math Teacher… ~~ Let it be known: I like math. Well, I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it, either. …