Raise your hand if you like spam. Not the meat, the blog kind. What? Nobody?? Me either! Which is why Akismet ROCKS – nothing makes it past Akismet! Indeed nice blog u have here. It’d be just great to read a bit more concerning that matter. Thanx for giving such material. Spam! Can you BE any more vague? Wait, don’t answer that… One again, your article is very nice Really? …
Blogging and Memes
Blogging, social media, blogging memes, link-ups.
Name Your Twitter Addiction
Name Your Twitter Addiction… Twitter Addiction Definition Chart Twitter: a free social networking service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Addiction: 1.) being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming 2.) an abnormally strong craving Twitter Addiction: 1.) the irresistible urge to check and update Twitter repeatedly throughout the day 2.) the sudden onset of writing tweets in …
An email organizing tip that actually WORKS.
I do not consider myself among the many who have large numbers of important, impressive, incoming e-mails each day. And yet I still sometimes feel the flow of the e-mail waters rise a bit too far above my head for just a few moments. Admittedly, sometimes things get buried back behind the new emails coming in, lost to the inbox abyss. My mom would tell you to always keep your …