I’ve been holding out on you.

I have something wonderful to share, to tell you about, and I have kept it all to myself.

I hope you forgive me, it’s just that it is so exciting that my head was whirling and I needed time to collect myself, to gather my thoughts.. You will forgive me, won’t you?

If you don’t, and you walk away, you’ll miss out on the really exciting news I’m about to tell you. ; )

Something wonderful is coming to Texas. Something fun, and encouraging, and uplifting, and educational all wrapped into one. Something designed and tailored specifically for homeschooling, Christian moms. But really, something wonderful for anyone who attends… Moms who may be considering homeschooling, Dads who are homeschoolng, Grandparents who want to support their homeschooling children… you name it. There is plenty of teaching and encouraging to go around!

That something wonderful is the Apologia Live Homeschool retreat in Austin, TX which is coming October 21-22. And trust me, if you’re homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling, if you’re just getting started or you’re a veteran, you want to be there. Bring your parents, spouses, homeschooling friends… make it a whole little getway.


Because getting away for two days and recharging is always a good thing. For starters. I’ve never actually been to a homeschool conference, but I have been to many Christian women’s conferences and the experience was always well worth it. The fellowship with the women that I went with made it doubly so.

Because Apologia truly has a heart for ministering to and helping homeschool moms however they can. If you take a look at the conference schedule you will notice a “Nuts and Bolts” session on Friday morning that is VERY inexpensive. That can either be added on the rest of your conference weekend or purchased alone and that is there just because there are homeschool moms who can’t get away overnight or can’t afford a whole conference ticket and Apologia didn’t want to leave them out. They really do have a heart for homeschool moms.

Because Apologia Live is about more than just homeschool how-tos and whatnots, it’s about refreshing the spirit of the homeschool mom. If you look at the schedule you will see praise and worship times and large blocks of prayer time built right into the conference. I LOVE THIS. Apologia realizes that homeschooling is HARD, that it’s a spiritual battle as much as a physical one, that we need to be refreshed and strong in our spiritual walk (and that we don’t get many LARGE blocks of prayer time at home with kids underfoot!)

Because getting together with homeschooling friends or family members and getting away for a weekend to recharge, worship and pray together can provide a great time of fellowship and do great things to strengthen your relationships.

Because your husband or wife or parents who stayed home will notice that you come back refreshed, excited and stronger and they will appreciate the time it took AND having a happier, stronger homeschool mom ready to roll up her sleeves and dive back into the school year.

How can I be so sure of this, how can I make all these claims?

At the beginning of July I sat down for lunch with the Apologia Live team (and a handful of other bloggers) to learn more about this upcoming retreat. That Saturday was a blast – at the end of the day I was over-the-moon. ALL the ladies that came to meet with us (Liz Corson, Michelle Eichhorn, Rachael Carmen, Zan Tyler and Kristin Weber) were very nice and their heart for homeschooling and homeschooling moms was as plain as the smiles on their faces. They were genuine; sincere; I believed them.

For me, I am definitely going to be attending the Apologia Live Retreat in Austin. I’m trying to take a few friends along with me, too. And if you’re within driving distance of Austin I really recommend that you try to go, too. Registration is reasonable, the hotel is nice (and reasonable) and I’m fully expecting to have a wonderful time. Won’t you meet me there, too?

Disclaimer? I’ve been doing a little bit of talking with Apologia lately and there are some exciting things in the works.. but I am telling you about this upcoming conference because I am SO excited about it, and excited to be attending my first homeschool conference EVER. Even more excited that it is a conference with a strong Christian focus. I get nothing if you attend (but if you do, I’m sure you’ll get plenty in the way of encouragement and fun!) I didn’t have to tell you that, but since I’m sure I kind of sound like a commercial I thought you might be wondering. ; ) You in?

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!