Hello UBP peoples!

If you’re not here from the UBP – Ultimate Blog Party, that is – you might be asking, “what is this?” Well “this” is basically a big blogging carnival with oodles of prizes and plenty of free-flowing blog traffic to go around (hopefully some of it sticking around in the form of new blog readers/friends.) Of course, the traffic works both ways and it’s also an easy to way to find new blogs, or find old blogs that you lost, or have fun with blogs you already read.

And this here post that you’re reading is what’s called a “party post.” That is, I tell y’all something you don’t know about me or provide some kind of fun entertainment or share a yummy recipe. Or all three. Whatever floats my boat, because, you know, it’s My party post. ;0)

Now I’m not going to bore y’all with a lot of chitter chatter (because I’ve got a headache the size of Texas) but I don’t want to be a lousy hostess either, so how about a slice of Buttermilk Cocoa cake? (Oh trust me it’s delicious!!) And by the way it’s PERFECT with a cup of coffee, which of course I’ve already brewed for my fellow coffee drinkers.

A few things about me:

  • I’ve been moving our family towards eating and drinking more organic and raw foods — or as I like to call it REAL FOOD. The way God made it. We just started buying raw milk and we love it. We already know how to make yogurt and this week plan on trying our hand at butter and cream cheese! Yum!
  • I like to decorate and arrange my home but we live on one income so I have to do it frugally and in bits and pieces. On the other hand, I despise cleaning so that kind of defeats the purpose of decorating sometimes. However I *am* getting better about that. Slowly.
  • We homeschool our three children and as that’s what a large part of our day revolves around it’s also a large part of what I have to blog about. Blog what you know, right?! ; ) Speaking of.. if you blog and homeschool, too, check out the BIG Homeschool Blogger field trip I’m organizing for the end of April!

That’s all I’m going to share for now. You could also check out my About page and the Best Of page. You know, if you want to…

Don’t forget to check out this:

And then head back over to this:

Have fun!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!