The cat’s out of the bag! What have I been hiding up my sleeve? Well only something really fun, of course!

I got it in my head that it would be fun to get together with other homeschool bloggers in my area and have a big, joint field trip! Doesn’t that sound like fun? (I hope so!)

But then I had an even better idea (because I felt bad for all of my homeschool blogging friends who don’t live close enough to meet up with us.)


And then I thought, “What IF…(you gotta picture me all glassy eyed and big-grinned) what if there are LOTS of field trips all over the place on the same day?”

Yes, I get excited easily. =)

It’s not as fun as meeting in person but still oodles of fun to be had!

And so “My really great idea”–as you’ve seen me oh so vaguely tweeting about over the past few weeks–was born. We’ll organize one big field trip day where we gather in our respective cities to meet each other (and blog about it of course!)

So where are we going? We’ll be meeting at the Fort Worth Zoo on Wednesday, April 27th at 10 am. We’ll plan on having a sack lunch and we’ll just say that the end time is “as long as you want or when the zoo closes.” =)

What about everybody else? I have two additional host locations so far. One, my good friend Dawn @ 5 Kids and a Dog is going to be organizing a field trip in the Spokane Washington area. Two, my good friend Heather @ Sprittibee is going to be organizing a field trip in the Austin, Texas area. If you want to do one, too, check out this page of questions and answers for hosts, or email me – amber{at}classichousewife{dot}com.

Okay, listen, are you paying attention? If you think you want to go, RSVP on this page —> Field Trip! 2011<— which has all of the basic information for the event and will hold the complete list of host locations and RSVPS. Not this post you’re reading now, but this page. Got it? Good. =) Over the next few weeks I’ll likely blog about this again  (and again) but that page there will “the master page.”

So what do you think? Am I boring you? Does it sound fun? The only other thing we need now is a button right? How about this one:

Snag my button

{Except that last little “<p>” part — do you see that? DON’T copy and paste that part, I don’t know why it’s there! I’m trying to fix it..}

Sooooo.. you in? Won’t you come to the zoo with me? You’re not going to leave me standing at the gate all by myself are you? 😉

P.S. Tell your homeschool blogging friends!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!