“I’m moving to self-hosted WordPress, which hosting company should I use?”

This is a question I often see asked on Twitter, and there are always a number of suggestions in response. I can’t speak for any other hosting companies but I can say that my husband and I have used 1 and 1 for about 5 years and we’ve never had cause to leave. Both of us have been happy with the service and reliability we’ve experienced with their hosting.

Our Experience:

  • I can count the number of times that my site has been inaccessible on the back end due to server issues on one hand.
  • The number of times that a site was inaccessible on the front end has been even less.
  • We haven’t experienced any hacking issues.
  • We have only needed to call customer service a few times. Every time they’ve been very helpful.
  • Initially I knew *NOTHING* about self hosting, but their service is easy enough to navigate that I’ve picked up on how to do a lot of basic things myself.
  • There are a variety of package sizes. The smallest one has worked for my needs for several years and covers several websites. At $3.99/month it’s really affordable.
  • There are always promotions of some kind so that you can try it out for several months for even cheaper or free!
  • You purchase can purchase your domain name (or additional domain names) through 1 and 1 as well.
  • Additionally, you’re automatically signed up for the affiliate program so you have the potential to recoup some of your hosting expenses.

(At the time of this posting, 1 and 1 is offering one of their specials where you can receive reduced costs for the first six months.)

I’m sure that there are other hosting companies that also have great service and make happy customers but again, I can’t really speak for them.

For those of you in search of the right hosting company, I just wanted to offer my own experiences and recommendation for 1 and 1 Hosting , because as I said, we’ve been completely happy with it for 5 years! We won’t be switching any time soon!

*In fairness, this post contains affiliate links.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!