Though our first “official” school day on the calendar was on Monday (Labor Day), our first “real” school day came bright and early Tuesday morning, up before the sun – or so it seemed with the overcast skies that came in with the rain storms from Tropical Storm Hermine. But the pouring (and POURING!) rain did little to nothing to dampen the spirits of my kiddos who hopped out of bed asking where their brand new 1st Day outfits were and “when were the pancakes going to be ready?” Seriously I have NEVER seen my children that eager to start school! (There really is something to making the first day more special, huh?)

We started with mini pancakes & juice boxes, moved on to first day pictures (and silly pictures!!) and then we had a light school day with some calendar work, mental math, reading, picture bingo, coloring, (napping,) and then we wrapped up with science. Things went pretty well & then it all got wrapped up with Princess picking up her new glasses so that she can now SEE her lessons better!

Today we did history instead of science, which we also enjoyed, and got some more organizing of our school space done–so now it’s just almost as tidy & organized as I want it to be. We haven’t started on time so far this week, but we’re starting slow and steady anyway. By the end of the week we should be doing a full day’s work in all the subjects and starting by 9 am. (We’ll see how that goes.) 😉

All in all – not a bad start to the school year! I sure hope it continues that way! =)

EDITED!! OOH! I almost forgot to remind y’all — I said I have something exciting coming this week and I do! I’ll be letting y’all in on it FRIDAY.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!