This week’s Curr-Click freebie is a ebook called “Organize Your Homeschool” by LeBedz Publishing. Their summary:

“Does it take you half an hour to find the grammar book each morning? Do the kids take five minutes to find and sharpen a pencil? Many people ask, “Why bother to organize? It is too much work!” That has an easy answer: organization equals peace and consistency! In addition, I think that it is much less work to teach in an organized space than to try to find space and tools to teach every day. You reap what you sow: sow peace and efficiency into your homeschool to reap peace and effectiveness. This e-book shows you how to set up an organized homeschool space, even if it’s your kitchen table. You’ll discover the top ten tools and how to use them. You’ll finally be able to tackle the mountain of art projects and math papers. You’ll learn how planning ahead can save you time and energy without being restrictive, and more.”

I’m getting more and more organized with our homeschool anyway, but the title certainly caught my eye so I downloaded it. (I have a weakness for freebies!) There are pages and pages of tips and suggestions in this ebook – from organizing your thoughts, to organizing your supplies to organizing your paperwork for the state (if you need to do that.) I’ve scanned it over and I’m already sure that I’m going to find at least a tip or two that I can implement right away.

Ordinarily $5.95, this ebook is free for the rest of this week — Check it out here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!