The pages on the July calendar have practically been FLYING off and now, whether we’re ready or not, August is nearly here! Homeschoolers everywhere are planning, prepping and getting ready to go back to school. Whether they school year round or take a summer break, whether they begin in August or September, you can bet “back to school” planning is on the brain. I know it’s on mine!

For the entire last week of July, I’ll be hosting a carnival here at my blog, providing an opportunity to find other homeschool blogs, share a bit about your blog, and last but least – maybe find some used curriculum and maybe sell off some of your own.

What would a carnival be without an itinerary? Here it is:

  • I’ll be posting every day, kicking it off on Monday with “New Year, New Goals.” I’ll be talking about planning for the upcoming year, setting goals and linking to some helpful resources. Take this opportunity to share resources and suggestions for how you plan ahead for the school year, what works for you and what you’ve got planned for the upcoming year. Or if you’d like, you can take the opportunity to ask for suggestions and recommendations for from other seasoned homeschoolers.

    Click here to read my post about scheduling and planning for the upcoming school year.

  • Tuesday I’ll introduce my students and talk a little bit about teaching multiple grades. This will provide an opportunity to share your wisdom with others who are a step behind you on the homeschool path. Or maybe you’re one of those homeschooling moms who are just reaching that point in the homeschool journey and you’ve got questions. Feel free to ask them! Pictures? Only if you feel comfortable sharing. My ‘students’ as always will be ‘incognito.’ The choice is yours.

    Click here to read my post about the different ways my kids learn & teaching them simultaneously.

  • Wednesday‘s topic is “Doing School.” What does school look like for you? Where do you do it? How do you do it? (Why do you do it?) Share what you feel comfortable sharing to encourage others who are seeking to find their personal style. This is your opportunity to showcase your favorite parts of schooling at home.

    Click here to read my post about our own school day.

  • It’s all about curriculum on Thursday. What will you be using this year? Are you going with the tried and true, or are you trying something new? Maybe you’re still searching for the just the right something or other. Sometimes it helps to get it all laid out on paper. Or blog. Go ahead and let us know which items you’re loyal to and can’t live without, or throw out your feelers on a curriculum you’re thinking about trying out. Word of mouth, of course, is a homeschooling mom’s best friend.

    Click here to read my post about our 2010-2011 school curriculum.

  • Last but not least, Friday is book sale day. Many homeschooling moms depend partially on re-selling old curriculum to cover the costs of new curriculum. Or maybe they simply just need to get some things off their shelves to make some space. Whatever the case, this will be an opportunity to link up to a curriculum for sale blog post in hopes of finding another homeschool mom in need of something you have to offer. Or maybe it will be your opportunity to browse some lists hoping someone else has what you need. However the case may be.

    Click here to read about my “Curriculum for Sale.”

So that’s the plan. On Monday I will put up three linky lists. One will be for linking up your homeschooling blog, no specific posts necessary, just list yourself as a homeschool blogger. A second linky will provided for curriculum sale posts only. A third linky will go up for daily posts about your school, students, etc. You can choose to do separate posts (as I do) or you can choose to one post to talk about everything – whichever you prefer.

So what do you say? Am I going to be a “lone, lonely loner” (name that movie.) Or do y’all want to join in with me next Monday? Are you in?? Grab your own copy of the carnival button.

P.S. I know that I am not the only homeschooler that is or will be posting back to school posts/carnivals/parties. FEEL FREE to link up posts you have already written, even if you’ve already linked them to another carnival. Or even if you end up linking them to another carnival later. I don’t mind! All I ask is that it’s on topic and links back to this carnival also. I don’t mind sharing the love!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!