
In black and white, mild-mannered clouds look ominous. The contrast betrays. Light, fluffy clouds above; sunlight peeking through. Underneath, annoyed clouds gathering momentum build and fester. When they reach their breaking point, the black will spill out and after the rage they will be empty.

Like me.

Lately, I have been really annoyed. A LOT. Not constantly, thank goodness. But more often than not. And that.. well, that annoys me. (Go figure.) And too easily, the irritation builds and builds and in one swift move I cross the line from annoyed to angry. And the black spills out.

The heat probably plays a role. Hormones probably do, too. My kids.. my kids know just how to push my buttons. Family is oh so good at pushing each other’s buttons. Oh, I’m so tired of being annoyed. But when I get hot everything annoys me so easily. And well, it’s summer, in Texas. And we still need to get another window unit for our house. (I’m crossing my fingers that it will be this week, cross your fingers with me.) Anyway, there is plenty of opportunity for things to annoy me.

Somewhere along the way I forgot how to take deep breaths, bite my tongue, let the little things go. I apparently also forgot how to nip discipline issues in the bud.

Last night I was talking with my sister in law about the Love Dare. I have the book, I did it once before. Everything in that book is good for married partners to practice towards each other on a regular basis. Everything in that book is also probably just what I need right now. It would certainly help with my marriage much more than the snippy retorts I’ve been full of lately.

And for the kids? Today we are practicing following directions and obeying fully, the first time. (Translation – today is going to be REALLY “fun” – but very necessary.)

The rest – the rest has to be hormones. Nothing else makes sense. Why else would a mood suddenly wash over me where I am so incredibly annoyed by every little sound (especially when silence with three kids is near impossible?) Or moods where I don’t want to be touched. At all. Where even my clothes are annoying me. Where movement annoys me.

It’s almost enough to make one think one might be a little crazy in the head. Just sayin. For all the crazy in my head I just have to pray and lean on God to get me through this. God, get me through this.

I am tired of being annoyed. I don’t like being Mrs. Grumpy.


Today’s Popinjay photo prompt is “annoyed.” And I didn’t know why Michelle gave me that word, but this word is me. I am this word. We are one.

What does annoyed look like to you? Remember the rules and link up any photo that represents “annoyed” for you – with our without the long depressing monologue, you choose.

P.S. – Cloud photo above by Drama Queen, age 7. I made it black and white and adjusted the contrast a little.

Next week’s word is Faith, being guest hosted by Karina. So get your thinking caps on!!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!