This week I went to the grocery store armed with sale information, a specific list, and a mission! I didn’t take any coupons because a.) I haven’t bought a paper in a while and b.) the computer that is hooked up to the printer was being worked on.

Oh well.
Next time.

At any rate, I took my info and I marathon shopped through both grocery stores as quick as I could and now my freezer is stuffed (literally!! I couldn’t fit another thing in if I tried,) my fridge is full and my pantry is stocked. And my wallet? Is happy.

I saved over 33 dollars just by shopping the sales items and using my store card! I say “over” because the other store (without a store card) doesn’t tell you how much was saved on the receipt. Kind of a bummer, but I know that I spent only slightly less at the other store and only bought sales items there so I wouldn’t be surprised if my savings was actually double that. Imagine what I could do with coupons. 😉

Anywho… all that to say, that is definitely going to affect our menu for the week, because (for example) Sunday night’s supper? Every single item was on sale. OH YEAH. So here goes:

Sunday: “BBQ” sandwiches (with ground beef & bbq sloppy joe sauce), potato chips. Dessert: ice cream.
Monday: Hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon
Tuesday: “Healthier” Chicken fettuccine alfredo, mixed greens salad.
Wednesday: Tacos
Thursday: Spaghetti & meatballs, salad, bread
Friday: Grilled chicken, salad, steamed cauliflower
Saturday: Meatloaf, mac n cheese, salad, ranch beans

For breakfasts: cereal, bagels, english muffins, fruit, cream of wheat, yogurt, eggs, bacon
For lunches: leftovers, sandwiches, nachos, hot dogs, tuna salad
For snacks: fruit, veggies, string cheese, yogurt

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura the Organizing Junkie.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!