
As in, my tardiness for getting Popinjay up like I promised is EXCESSIVE.

Or, the level of craziness and the high level of stress today has been EXCESSIVE. (Exceedingly so.)

Or, my need for the kids to go to bed on time is EXCESSIVE.

Alas, none of these are things I can capture in a single image. Unless I take a picture of myself pulling my hair and screaming. Hm. It’s a thought.

So after I remembered (or more accurately after @candidK reminded me… At the end of the day… LATE…) I scoured my archives for something EXCESSIVE that I already had. Something that would represent EXCESSIVE on a regular basis around here. (For your sake I bypassed the pic of the 45 ant bites on Little Prince’s leg two weeks ago. Excessive, but yuck! Moving on…)

Let me just say the the number of blurry pictures of random things taken by kiddos when I’m not looking and then uploaded to my laptop is also …EXCESSIVE..

I found a picture of our fancy and beautiful state capitol.. though I’m not sure I really want to turn this into a political post. ;0)

And then I found this one:

In the middle of all the blurry outside playing, chasing cats, fuzzy flowers and goofy shots of siblings with “cut off” heads or ears or whatever.. my daughter etched this in the dirt and left it for me to find when I uploaded all my pictures. I’d completely forgotten about it until now.

I don’t know that the photo itself qualifies as “excessive”.. but for just a moment, all that other excessive junk faded away and I smiled. She loves me a WHOLE LOT. They all do. And I them. And I don’t think there’s such a thing as “excessive” when it comes to that. =)

What does EXCESSIVE look like to you??


Remember, I’m just helping Michelle out for a couple weeks. Next time you’ll head over to Karina’s!

If you are unfamiliar with the Popinjay photo challenge, check out the Popinjay challenges from previous weeks.

And now for the rest of the Popinjay info:


Next week’s word is: CONTENT

You have from now until next Monday to take your photo, post it and you’ll be able to link it next Monday. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!


Words coming soon:

Week #19–Powerful
Week #20–Joyful

pop⋅in⋅jay–noun–a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter.
In other words, blogging. 😉
Isn’t that what this personal blogging is all about? Me. Me. Me. For this photo challenge, that’s perfect. We’re going to dig inside of ourselves and do some “concept photography.”
I’m going to give you a word and you’re going to take a photo of something that describes the concept of the word.
You CANNOT take pictures of your kids or your pets for this challenge. Or anyone else’s kids or pets. I know they’re precious, but they make your creative bone lazy. Let’s get outside of the box. Let’s be challenged.

Please leave the link to your post (not the link to your website or blog.) For example:

    Right: http://michellependergrass.com/week1_photo
    Wrong: http://michellependergrass.com

So–Let’s see your photos for EXCESSIVE.
Link up and don’t forget to visit the other participants!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!