turkeyI’ve been talking about this and tweeting about this and now I’m going to tell you what the chatter is all about: One week from today I’ll be celebrating the one year anniversary of Classic Housewife, along with the Thanksgiving holiday, with one big GIVING party. I’m calling it:


Just roll with it, okay?

The theme is giving, thanksgiving, giving to others at thanksgiving. It’s all about sharing the love. I could insert some cheesy line here about Classic Housewife “giving back” to the readership but I won’t go there. *wink*

The main challenge, that I will be issuing to all of my readers, if it’s the only thing you are able to give this Thanksgiving, is this:

“If you are able, buy an extra turkey and give it to a needy family. (If they can’t cook it, cook it for them and deliver it on Thanksgiving day!) You could also choose to include other meal items and sides. Or alternatively, invite a family or lonely friend over to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with you and your family.”

It’s a simple thing, really, but it could me so very much to someone who is lonely, financially tight, or otherwise in need of an act of service and love. Two Christmases ago we had a family over to share our meal on Christmas day and it turned out to be one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable things we did that year.

What’s cool is that there has been a whole lot of talk about giving amongst my fellow bloggers the past couple weeks, and as I’ve been planning this and solidifying it in my head, I have found so many other great events and posts about giving and the like. As much as I can, I will share these with you as well, so that will have many opportunities and ideas for giving to others this year.

I want to go ahead and tell you about Alyssa’s 30-Day Giving Challenge, because it is going on right now, and will through the end of the month. It’s a challenge to find opportunities to give to others every single day this month. It’s a good thing, and I encourage you to go check it out!

In the meantime, I’m prepping for the party here, next Thursday, November 19th. The party will go up before midnight the previous night so that it will be up whenever you wake up (unless of course you live on the other side of the world from me.)

I will have a MckLinky so that people who want to take up the gauntlet of giving can show their support. And I will be giving away at least one item so that I can give to You this Thanksgiving holiday.

However, the one thing I really want… I haven’t been able to secure yet. =(

I would really, completely, totally and wholeheartedly LOVE to give away to a NEEDY family, a voucher for a free turkey – or even a free turkey MEAL. That would be so awesome. I’m still working on that – that is my goal. (If you happen to have any connections, shoot me an email, OKAY?!)

I am also open to finding other sponsors and partnerships – providing opportunities to help make Thanksgiving happen for someone who needs a little blessing or maybe just provide a little something extra special for the holiday. If you’re interested or have any suggestions, please oh please – do let me know!

I’m looking forward to next Thursday! To pull this off I need your help to word, tell others, and join in the party/challenge. See you then!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!