Join Me at The Homeschool Post!

I can’t just write a post and say, “Hey vote for me!” without telling you about all my other homeschool blog friends who have been nominated for awards, too.

I have a confession: I only learned about and started paying attention to the Homeschool Blog awards last year. I didn’t learn about it in time to make any nominations, but I did get to vote for some of my friends.

I have another confession: I didn’t get a chance to nominate any of my favorite homeschool blogs this year, either. =( I was so buried under working on my best friend’s cake website and packing and traveling and packing and traveling twice in the last three weeks. I missed the chance. There are several of you that I would like to have seen nominated that aren’t up there. And I’m so sorry that I didn’t do it. =( I’m going to make sure I set aside some time next year.

There are SEVERAL blogs that I do enjoy up for voting right now, that I’d like to let you know about. Perhaps you’ve been there before and you thought, “Oh what a nice little blog!” Or perhaps you’ve never heard of them but you’d enjoy finding their blogs. {There are a TON of bloggers up for awards that I don’t know! If nothing else, what an opportunity for  me to find more great homeschooling blogs. I look forward to browing through the lists}

So if you get a chance, hop over and browse the nominations, find some old friends, find some new ones and check out these friends of mine:

Best Encourager:

Daily Dwelling

Best Current Events, Opinions or Politics Blog:


Best Cyber Buddy:


Best Thrifty Homeschooler:

Money Saving Mom

Perhaps as I have time, as I go through the lists and find new blogs to love, I’ll introduce you to all the new friends I make. In the meantime, check out the ones I already do. Have fun meeting new people!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!