And I like it!

You all know how I feel about floral arrangements. They gotta look really good, they gotta be very affordable, they gotta be NOT country and very me.

Recently I was at JoAnn’s with my mother-in-law with some money to spend, some coupons in my pocket and a really good clearance sale and I found a RED vase that I just fell. in. love. with. And it was on sale!

With red being a major color in my dining room, I want to use red touches like this to carry the red over into the living room (and kitchen) for continuity.

While at JoAnn’s I also grabbed up a handful of red flowers and some interesting and exotic red feathers (which would have been more expensive than I wanted to go for if it weren’t for the 50% off coupon I had!)

I. adore. them.

I chose one stem or bush of each flower on purpose, I wanted it to be a blend of a variety of reds and flower shapes.

I picked out the little red flowers with the really light green stems and leaves to help break up the dark shades of the reds.

The feathers… what can I say about the feathers? There was no way the feathers weren’t going in there!

I added the curly sticks because they bring more fun and whimsy to the arrangement.

I think they look great on my piano right now and I can’t wait until we move out of this house and take this little gem of a room decor piece with me. I know JUST where I’m going to put it!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!