I am on cloud nine. In love. With my new bedding set. It’s bedding bliss! And it’s also pretty amazing that my husband said I could spend the money on a bedding set (something he doesn’t really care about) without much of an argument at all! Which could be because he has been so dissatisfied with our previous one. Yeah, that could have something to do with it.

Though I loved the old comforter (rich purples, silky fabrics, elegant and lovely), I have to confess that Hubs was right – it wasn’t very warm. Not very warm at all. I was happy to live with it and just layer a few more blankets underneath of it (kind of like living with a pair of uncomfortable dress shoes because they are just so stinkin’ gorgeous.) Then much to my dismay, the fabrics used were so thin that they began to tear at the seams. I did try to mend it, but it would tear again somewhere else. It was a sad thing.

The old set - back in its better days.
The old set - back in it's better days.

So here we are a few years later, all but one of our “other” blankets has bit the dust. Hubs doesn’t like being cold AT. ALL., the weather is getting cool, and I found myself standing in the bedding department at Wal-Mart, when I spied a complete, 12 piece bedding set (a Better Homes & Gardens line, no less!) that perfectly — P.E.R.F.E.C.T.L.Y. — matches my room.

Image from the Walmart website. I only WISH that was my real bedroom...

Me: “Honey, I’m at Wal-Mart looking at a bedding set that I like…we could get a new comforter set and a fleece blanket to go under it and we’d be warmer and we could replace the old, fraying set at the same time – what do you think about that?”

Him: “How much?… Sure, why not.”

Me: *Snoopy dancing in the Walmart aisle.*

And the price tag? Only eighty dollars. *Squee!*

Granted, $80 is a lot of money! It’s a LOT. of Money. But truly… for a bedskirt, sheets, comforter, shams & 4 throw pillows.. it’s a rather good deal! The sheets aren’t very high quality (they will do nicely as a backup for our high quality ones) but the comforter is soft and thick and very comfy. Sooo comfy. And with the red, fuzzy, microfiber fleece blanket I also bought we are also sooo warm.

Of course, I couldn’t wait to put the new set on the bed. I threw the sheets and pillow cases in the washer but I loaded the bed down with all the new goodies before we went to bed that night. Between the two shams, two bed pillows for each of us, the four throw pillows and two existing bed pillows I already had.. there are TWELVE pillows on the bed now.

New comforter, new pillows, "old" pillows, "old" brown & green color scheme = Love it!
New comforter, new pillows, "old" pillows, "old" brown & green color scheme = Love it!

It’s luscious.

I can’t wait to climb under the covers. What did Hubs have to say? He is warm so he is happy, he doesn’t care as much about the pattern, etc. The only comment he had to make was about “the gazillion pillows.” As if there are too many.

There’s no such thing as too many pillows!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!