If you ask me, home decor is an important part of making our house feel homey. If you ask my husband…wall color, fancy curtains, decorations, pictures and art are “frills” that nobody really needs. After thinking about it, he probably WOULD be just fine living in a house that looks like a white padded cell or a sterile surgical room.

Not me.

Obviously, I don’t want to be at odds with my husband over spending large amounts of money on “frills” and honestly, I don’t feel the need to spend large amounts of money on name brand items or valuable antiques. Besides, bringing an expensive decoration piece into MY home would be like, like.. like throwing an injured lamb in front of a hungry lion. It’s ASKING for trouble.

With the onset of Autumn and the recent spurts of cooler weather, my home decorating gene is kicking in. I FEEL URGES. I browse the home and linens aisles at the store and feel the soft, shiny, smooth, textured, vibrant fall colored items stacked in matching stacks in long rows of home decor goodness. I put things in my basket, and take them back out and in the end, I exercise huge amounts of self-control and walk away with our budget relatively unscathed.

Most of the time, anyway.

Last week, I eyed many many things but in the end settled on bringing home a 5$ floral bouquet and a 2$ faux-suede maple leaf placemat. Re-using a plain glass vase from a previous floral gift and a string of fall leaves purchased last year, I assembled our new fall centerpiece for this year:

It’s not much, but it makes me happy. I’ll probably buy a couple more things over the next couple of months and I’ll pack them away after Thanksgiving. Next Autumn, I’ll pull them back out and repeat – browsing the stores searching for a couple of new things to add, breathing in the air of possibility as I window shop through all the beautiful things that won’t be coming home with me.

Last night I told Hubs that I could go window shopping on a bad day, with no kids, and no money and not buy a single thing, and come home happy. He said, “I don’t get that.” I know, Honey, I know…we really are quite the opposites, aren’t we?

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!