Day 22?? I haven’t blogged about exercising since DAY 22??!! OH. MY. WORD.

It all started on Sunday. I DID exercise Saturday night but I really laid around and enjoyed my day on Sunday, I didn’t blog at all. I figured I’d catch up on Monday. Monday… I don’t even really remember Monday. What did we do on Monday?! I know that we got all our school done, I read to the kids for an hour at bedtime, and I felt like I was coming down with something – which I was. I excercised that night anyway. Both of those nights I did the 30 Day Shred like a good little girl, even though I didn’t feel like it, even though I had no energy and no stamina.

And then there was no more “good little girl even though ____” exercising after that. Because Tuesday morning I DID wake up sick. And I am still sick. And I have not exercised for the last two nights because I really don’t have the energy – but more than that, I’ve got the kind of sick where you don’t really “care.” You know – “Oh, look, the kids are making a mess, Oh well…” or “Oh, look, it’s past their bed time, Oh well…” or “Oh, yeah, I really should exercise, but, Oh well…” Meh. I told my husband that my driving force with making sure I did NOT miss any days was my goal for a perfect record and with that out of the way and gone already, what can I say? I’m flaky that way. There was little resistance to the “I’m sick” excuse.

Anyhow… I haven’t yet decided if I will exercise tonight, or if Day 27 will be another “oh well” day. I mean, I SHOULD. But “they” say that you need to get your rest when you have a cold, right??

Right now, I’m off to read some more Boxcar Children to my kiddos, as much as my scratchy throat can handle anyway,.. and then I betcha I crash in bed and sleep like a baby. Or better than a baby. Or whatever.

And PLEASE. Do not use me as your motivation this week. Look elsewhere if you want “driving force,” this cold has sapped all of mine. Call up Jillian Michaels. I think her number is 1-800-KICK-BUTT. She’ll get you pointed in the right direction. Oh yes she will!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!