My bloggy friend Michelle has begun her very own weekly meme, a photo challenge in which she gives us a word and we take a photo of something that represents that word in some way. The word for our first challenge is “Hope.”

Now let’s be honest for a minute and admit, I don’t have a “fancy schmancy” camera. But my camera DOES have some options that I can play with, and to be honest I just tweak the buttons and see what happens. I want to learn more about the different settings and play with those buttons a bit more intentionally. I hope to one day HAVE a fancy schmancy camera, and it seems like it just couldn’t hurt to already know what all those little letters and numbers mean – right? Anywho…

I played around with the lighting, the angle, the ISO (whatever that is) and all kinds of things. I used some of the preset setting options and zoomed in and out, stood closer and farther away. In the end, this is the photo that I chose for my selection:


If you click on this you can see it at it's finished size.

I took this with my Casio Exilim Ex-Z80, using one of the preset settings (which used: ISO 64, F 4.5, 1/60.) I also used the auto-detect setting which doesn’t take the picture until both the camera and subject are still. How glad I am to find that! All I did for this was resize it down to 1000 x 750 pixels at a resolution of 100 pixels per inch.

But of course, since I’m having fun with this and trying to learn how to use my camera more artistically, I didn’t stop there. Using the same image and cropping certain pieces, I also made these:

That last one is kind of hard to look at but it’s fun. My favorites are the second and third one, brighter and darker. But somehow, I think brighter fits the message better. =)

For more photos of  HOPE, click here. Tell Michelle I said Hi!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!