Day 3. D-A-Y-3. The notorious third day. Day three is always the hardest for me. It’s the first day that I feel really sore and then still have to go and exercise anyway. It’s the day where I don’t really WANT to exercise, and where in the past, I’ve often talked myself out of it.

Of course, this time, I didn’t have that option. So I did. Anyway. Sore abs and obliques and all. And I chose this twenty minute yoga workout I found online because I thought it would be easy.

I. Thought. Wrong.

But. But!! God is good because even though it obliterated all muscular strength and coordination in my thigh muscles and I found myself crawling on the floor trying to work my legs together into a standing position… it only moderately worked my abs and obliques and lower back that were the most sore and it focused more on a different muscle group that needed a good workout. See? Always a silver lining.

So here’s the rundown for Day 3:

Activity: Yoga
Activity Length: 20 minutes
Difficulty: Hard!! My thighs kept cramping and I’d have to release the pose and shake it out and keep going. Many times.
How I feel: Glad it’s over! My stomach is thankful and my legs are feeling strong off the workout high but they’re going to be paying for it tomorrow.
Tomorrow: I can tell my Achilles tendon is definitely better than it was yesterday but I am also definitely planning on doing yoga for one more day. What? No I am NOT putting off The 30 Day Shred — what are you talking about? I’m being smart, here, people, smart. I tell you what.. I promise I will start that on Day 5. You can hold me to that. So there.

With the week approaching the half way mark, I admit I’m getting nervous and starting to think about the results. Yeah, the main goal here is to develop an exercise habit but the secondary goal is to lose some weight. I’m already wondering if the scale is going to reflect the work I’ve put in, or if I’ve put in enough. I’m already wishing it was a digital scale so that even if it were only a half a pound, I could see that and tell you. Somebody stop me!

I’m going to stop thinking about the scale now and start focusing on you. How are YOU doing? Leave me some comments and update me on your own fitness challenge, you hanging in there? Can’t quit now! We’ve only just begun!

If you’re just now finding this challenge, start here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!