Hello friends! The holiday weekend is upon us – got plans? We don’t, but I may make some impromptu plans to visit with my inlaws over at their house to enjoy their pool, their grill and their company. Tomorrow is my birthday but my family will all be engaged in this other really big thing so we could also throw a bday cake into the mix of Labor Day burgers and potato salad. Yum! Speaking of Labor Day weekend, did you see my list of fun Labor Day links? Let’s see… this week I tackled a bunch of school stuff and housecleaning – not very interesting but very necessary. I’m preparing to start our school year on Monday and I still have a lot of work ahead of me. I ordered a few supplies earlier this week and I’m eagerly anticipating their arrival. While I was at it, I ordered this for myself for my birthday (click for bigger):

So that was pretty much all we did this week, what did you do?

Onward, forward to all the links of goodies I found online this week!

Kristen @ We are THAT Family is letting it all hang out. Um, her udders that is. Um, no wait – it’s a cow suit. Oh, just go check out her cow-suit-vlogging adventure!

Pray for the Burke family as they seek to reunite with their daughter.

The Chupacabra caught??

What IS a Chupacabra anyway? I particularly found the first paragraph under “Reported Sightings” interesting.

What would you do if a stranger walked up and slapped your toddler for crying in a store? (I have no idea, but I’ve been known to have a very explosive temper.)

Signing up for General Mills’ newsletter will earn free recipes and printable coupons.

The President will be giving an unprecedented speech to school students via the web next week.

Sponsoring a 5$ puzzle piece for my new bloggy friend, Ali @ My God-Given Mission Field, will not only contribute towards their adoption process but also help them build, piece by piece, an amazing momento of their adoption journey to enjoy for years to come. (Incidentally, I found Ali through the curriculum swap, she sold me a set of Saxon math books – YAY!!)

SmileMakers (a teacher resource site) is having a sale.

Free computer desktop calendar wallpapers.

My bloggy friend, Momma Knows is giving away, Free to a needy family, 2 cleft palate baby bottles.

The disgusting blob that Fred’s wife poured from his Diet Pepsi can was probably a gutted toad or frog. (OH. GROSS.)

How Dooce got her washing machine fixed, her sleep-deprived insanity relieved just a tad, and a free Bosch washing machine and dryer for a local shelter. The power of Twitter?

5 Ways to Tell Your Daughter “I love you.” (Or son.)

How buying Tide with a yellow cap can help others in need in the event of a natural disaster, aka Velveteen Mind’s 4yr Anniversary of Katrina post.

Make Ahead “Meal Makings” from Home… With a Purpose

I can’t believe I said that! One mom’s humorous ponderings of the many unexpected things she’s had to say to her children, from Mom-2-Mom.

Want more? You can browse the links below!

Now, it’s your turn. Tell me what you did, what you learned, what you found – pretty much anything. Link up your favorite post from this past week and show it off. Come Shoot the Breeze with Me!! {{OOH! Afterthought.. it would be SUPER cool if I got 31 links on this post for my 31st birthday!! That and a clean house.. I’ve already got the kids working on the 2nd part. =p Think we can make it happen???}}

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!