
My meandering thoughts, captured in print and somewhat organized. 5 things or areas, any areas I want to focus on. It’s time to see where I am on the goals I set for April and to see what I can get knocked out this week.

1.) My “Must-Do”s for today:

  • Get school done.
  • Plant seeds.
  • Pay bills.
  • Finish printing off bank statements for 2008.

2.) My Week:

  • Regular chores & school.
  • Have a trial run Baking Day – something I’ve been wanting to incorporate into our routine.
  • Purge & organize filing system.
  • Planning & prep for upcoming science/art fair

3.) This Month:

  • Finalize new menu planning system (details coming soon.)
  • More work to be done on the financial records.
  • I’m heading up our homeschool science fair – lots of work to do!

4.) Online To-Do:

  • Finish blog customization for Hollie @ Groovewoman
  • Finish re-design for Classic Housewife (sooo gonna be worth it!)
  • Design graphics for my UBP winners.

5.) Menu Planning

  • Sign up for the coupon sites Erin @ 5 Dollar Dinners recommended
  • Research the stores in the nearest town, which days they have their sales, if they double/triple coupons, etc.
  • Begin a chart for food expenses, coupon savings etc (so I can track how much I’m really saving and other details.)
Last week I went shopping for two weeks, armed with two weeks worth of menus, detailed grocery lists for both, and my coupon binder. Just utilizing the sale, my store card and my coupons I saved sixty dollars. On the other hand, my total (for a family of five, for two weeks of food and some extra on sale things, for cleaning supplies and toiletries and whatever) was 260.00 after my savings. My husband was about ready to flip – but I didn’t really spend more money than normal, I just spent it more up front. (And as far as I can tell, from talking to other people, spending five to six hundred dollars a month on food and everything else for a family of five is not unreasonable and over the top. Is it? What do you think?)
I would LOVE to see that number come down even more, using some of the coupon sites and by sale shopping at some of the other stores in the next town over. I’d like to make trips over there at least twice a month to get things like meat at lower prices than what I can get at our local grocer. Plus it should come down more as I build up our overstock allowing me to buy more things only when they are on sale and not at full price. That’ll be fun. Oh – and when my veggies start growing (so I don’t have to buy those at the store at all?) That’ll be MORE fun. 🙂

And now I’m off to chip away at my to do lists. It’s a busy, busy day!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!