blueberry buttermilk pancake recipeIf I haven’t mentioned it before, I have a deep love for breakfast foods: panckes, waffles, crepes, bacon, hash browns, biscuits, fresh fruits, fresh squeezed OJ… Oh, I’ve mentioned it before? Huh. So it should come as no surprise that I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the homemade blueberry pancakes I made last Saturday!

I’ve been having something of a craving for blueberries lately – and not the faux blueberries you get in an box mix, either. But I can’t really justify the cost of the fresh blueberries, so I met somewhere in the middle and bought frozen blueberries. Frozen berries are a great thing to keep around, it makes it easy to bake yummy treats with real fruit in them no matter what time of year it is.

I considered making them completely from scratch (and probably will next time- here’s the recipe I use for buttermilk pancakes) but I was in a bit of a hurry so I just pulled out the trusty Pioneer baking mix. Pioneer Brand baking mix is by far the best thing to use if you’re not doing it yourself, as far as I’m concerned. Using half milk/half buttermilk instead of all the milk the recipe called for, I made one “batch” as is listed in the directions and added in about a cup and a half of rinsed blueberries. Believe me, this was PLENTY of berries for the one batch.

They were very berry!

Rinsing is key, by the way. It helps prevent the entire bowl of batter from turning purple. But hey, if you like purple pancakes, by all means, go ahead. 😉 I also just gave it one quick stir and then didn’t mess with the batter much after that so as not to mash up the blueberries.

I also want to take a minute to sing the praises of buttermilk. I cannot abide the smell of buttermilk nor am I willing to drink it plain but I love to make biscuits and pancakes with it. I don’t understand all the chemistry behind it, but I know that using buttermilk in pancakes makes them fluffier. A lot fluffier. It just does. I don’t know why.

Also, I did realize early on that I needed the heat on the skillet to be just a smidge lower than normal. But after I got the temperature just right, the kids and I enjoyed a whole slew of hot blueberry pancakes, served with a side of bacon of course! THEY WERE JUST DROP DEAD DELICIOUS. They were fluffy and moist and chock full of sweet and tangy blueberries in all the right places.

IHOP eat your heart out.

Additional Reading:

Photo Source:Attribution Some rights reserved by janineomg

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!