Okay, y’all are seriously going to stop reading my blog after this, you’re going to think I’ve lost my ever-lovin’ mind. Maybe I have. But when something works, it works. And y’all… this works.

Last week when a pimple popped up on my chin, one of those deep under the skin, it’s sore and this is going to be a doozy of a pimple sort of pimples, I sighed and thought, “Oh no! And I’m meeting my bloggy friends on Saturday!” It’s true, that was my first thought. I briefly thought about looking up some kind of home remedy, but I didn’t.


I waited two days, until after I’d popped it and it was big and red and sore and healing but still there. So Friday night I finally turned to THE GOOGLE for some relief and I kept seeing the word “toothpaste” pop up all over the place.



Finally, I figured it couldn’t hurt and I already have toothpaste so I rubbed a little dab on and went around the rest of the evening getting a little whiff of minty freshness every now and then. I woke up the next morning and it was MUCH smaller, not red at all, and not sore either!

That is.. until I took a shower and washed my face and then it was pink and swollen and sore again. So what did I do? You’d better believe it – I added more toothpaste. I went about my morning, getting ready to go and when it was time to put on my makeup I gently washed off the toothpaste and kind of avoided that spot with the powder so as not to clog up the skin, etc.

It was like a pimple miracle. I didn’t have to deal with a painful pimple all day, and probably nobody would have even noticed if I wasn’t blogging about it and pointing it out. 😉

Next time, I’m going to try toothpaste as soon as I feel a pimple coming on, I’m interested to see how well it works from the beginning. But I do know, at the very least, if you wait too long, this works GREAT as a pimple soother and healer.

And Y’ALL… do you know what I kept thinking the whole time? Do you know how much they charge for fancy pimple creams!?

Unless you’ve got some serious acne issues, skip the creams and grab the tube of toothpaste and I bet you don’t even use a penny’s worth.

Stop by Works for Me Wednesday at it’s it’s NEW location, We are THAT Family and congratulate Kristen/encourage her with the addition of this new “blog child.” If you’ve never visited Kristen before, you’re just going to love her. I know I do!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!