5dinnerbuttonI just officially registered for a workshop this Saturday that is being given by Erin @ $5 Dinners and I’m so excited! Not only do I NOT have the kids for 48 hours, not only do I get to hang out with GROWN UPS, not only do I get to learn about saving money on my grocery bill and making healthy meals inexpensively.. but I get to meet Erin, Alyssa, Stephanie and Rachel!

The first bloggers I’ve ever met in real life!

See, this means I won’t sound so crazy when I say, “My blogging friend, so-and-so.” Well, at least not with these four ladies anyhow. 😉

Actually, I’ve only JUST been introduced to Stephanie and Reachel’s blogs- as in, when I found out they were going to be there. So maybe I’ve never read their blogs before, but looking at them  now, I’m sure I want to! So now I have two new bloggy friends to read.

Oh. And there’s One. More. Thing.

Erin, that shrewd little blog-preneur that she is, has arranged for the Channel 11 news to be there.

No. Joke.

I’m not sure what they’ll do exactly (heck it could just be a 10 second sweep across the room) but I DO know one thing.

I need a new outfit.

I mean, come on, I do NOT want to get caught looking all frumpy. Not even for ten seconds. And seriously, I need a new outfit anyway. Good excuse, right?

If you live anywhere within driving distance, won’t you join us? It’s not like I get to go to BlogHer or Blissdom to meet other cool bloggers. And who couldn’t benefit from saving money on meals? I mean, really.

And p.s. if you want to buy me a new outfit, we can meet at Target. 😉

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!