By the time you read this it will actually be TUESDAY and not Monday but, hey, we can’t be a step ahead of the game every week, right? Some weeks are just, one day at a time. And Y’ALL. This could be one of those weeks. I actually got more than half of my Must Do list for last week completed. I think this week’s list should look a little easier. 🙂 Here’s my plan for this upcoming week:

1.) Menu Plan Monday


I’m still working on my new menu planning system in which I basically create 6 individual weekly plans, complete with shopping lists and then I mix and match. I’m hoping to move to a system of grocery shopping for 3 or 4 weeks at a time but if I do, I’ll probably have to shop for that in the middle of the month. In the meantime, here’s the menu for this week.

  • Monday -Bagles & Cream Cheese; Lunch w/Friends; Cereal; Super Nachos
  • Tuesday – Bacon Sandwiches, Grapes; Chicken Tenders & Mac N Cheese; Yogurt & Fruit Cocktail; Spaghetti & Salad
  • Wednesday – Cereal & Orange Wedges, Sandwiches & Chips; Apples & Peanut Butter Dip; Chicken & Pasta
  • Thursday – Sausage Egg Biscuits; Mini Cheeze Pizzas; Carrots & Dip; Rice, Beans & Cornbread
  • Friday – French Toast, Sandwiches & Carrots, Yogurt & Granola, Salisbury Steaks & Veggies
  • Saturday – Breakfast Casserole, Orange Wedges;  Granola Bars;  Beef Enchiladas, Spanish Rice
  • Sunday – Cereal; Grilled Cheese & Chicken Noodle; Homemade lunchables; Biscuits, Gravy & Turkey bacon

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I’m an Organizing Junkie!

2.) Bible Study: Reading through my chronological bible in the mornings. Still working on GETTING UP EARLY in the mornings to do this! Other Study: Reading through my book of the month, The Excellent Wife throughout the day as I can. I’m about a third of the way through the book. GOOD BOOK.

3.) “MUST Do” List:

  • Stick to my daily schedule (as God allows) for morning devotions, taking care of the home and home-schooling.
  • Get copies of bank statements from bank and enter into Quickbooks.
  • Begin purging and organizing papers and filing system (Collecting 08 papers together and creating places for 09 papers.)
  • Work a little more on updating the Home Management Binder.

4.) Taking Care of My Home:

Same as last week! “This week we mainly need to focus on scheduling. Making sure we eat breakfast on time, get our morning chores done on time, begin school on time, eat lunch and have naptime on time. Time Management is key to a more smoothly running home.” Only this week it looks like a Mess Monster puked all over my house (how did THAT happen?!) so you can better believe chores are going to be kicked up a notch to make sure it doesn’t get any worse and hopefully actually gets better.

5.) Training My Children:

Also same as last week:

  • Training their habits by focusing on time management this week.
  • Training their work ethic by involving them in chores and teaching them to do their work agreeably and well.
  • Training their minds by getting the school work done.
  • Training their hearts by spending time with them, loving them, reading to them.
  • Training their souls by praying with them, exemplifying Christ to them, and disciplining them in truth and love.

{Please note, this is my aim – I’m not yet claiming to hit the mark on each of these targets all of the time.}

By the way, if you haven’t already, hop over to my giveaway and enter to win!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!