**This giveaway is now closed with 193 comments. Thanks for participating!**

And the winner is… Beth! Comment number 90 who said,

Thanks to everyone who participated for making this a fun and successful giveaway!


I’m so excited — This is my first Bloggy Giveaways Carnival here at Classic Housewife. Let the traffic and good company abound in bloggy goodness!

If you’re new here – WELCOME! You can get to know me over at my About Me page, you can browse my most recent articles in the sidebar, and you’ll also find there a collection of my best Classic Housewifey stuff – enjoy!

And on with the bloggy goodness, right?

Up for grabs here at The Classic Housewife is this sweet little beaded Dragonfly bracelet:


Handmade by Moi, this is one of the few things I have left from my Etsy store, and one of my favorites. Here’s the description I’d written up for the Etsy listing:

This unique 8-inch beaded bracelet is accented with silver spacer balls and adorned with a charming dragonfly.

The glass beads in trendy blues and browns bring to mind both earth and sky while the silver spacers placed evenly about add class and style.

Strung on durable Stretch Magic cord, the bracelet provides a little give to prevent breakage through daily wear. The beads used vary in size from 4mm – 6mm.

I know people ALWAYS say this, but when it comes to jewelry it’s probably always true: This picture doesn’t do this bracelet justice! It’s difficult to get the lighting bright enough the camera doesn’t need a flash. A camera flash will illimunate jewelry unnaturally, altering the colors. The colors in the picture are pretty close to true, but this bracelet just seems even more beautiful in person, it really does.


You can enter in any of the following ways (as many ways as you want, but one entry per option):

  1. The easiest way: Leave a comment. YOU MUST enter your email address in the comment form. It will not be displayed, but it will be visible to me in the back end of my site so that I can email you if you win.
  2. Subscribe to my blog in just a matter of seconds. Click on the Pink RSS button in my sidebar to subscribe to my RSS feed or the Orange RSS button with an envelope to sign up for email updates and then leave a separate comment here telling me that you subscribed (or that you’re already a subscriber if you are one.) {UPDATED: I also hot-linked those here to make it easier for you, just click on the link.}
  3. Write your own giveaway post, enter in the Bloggy Giveaways and leave a separate comment here with a link to your giveaway. Just sharing the love, sharing the love! 🙂 (P.S. Not a special post just for me, just link to your giveaway if you have one – thanks!)

And for EXTRA credit:

… if you really want to help a girl out – two months ago I left a well-established blog I’d had for 3 years to start over with this one. Rebuilding the traffic has been going well, but it could always use a boost! If you want to take the time to read any of my “How to Blog” articles or the “Classic Housewifey” articles in my sidebar (or the bottom of my main page) and then Stumble it if you like it, not only will I REALLY APPRECIATE it, but I’ll let you enter two additional comments here – because I know that’s a lot of extra work on your part and you deserve it!

The Fine Print:

  1. This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian participants only.
  2. You MUST leave your email address in the comment enter form (You don’t have to include it in the actual comment itself.)
  3. You MUST leave separate comments for each entry, otherwise I have no way of keeping track.
  4. You MUST comment before midnight, CST, Friday the 30th to be eligible.
  5. You must reply within 48 hrs of notification to claim your prize. Unfortunatetly in the past, I’ve had people not respond, or respond but never send their mailing address – it complicates things and makes them awkward. Be sure to check your bulk mail throughout the week to catch notifications that might get marked as spam, and please respond immediately. If the winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen Monday morning.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting. If you’re here from the bloggy giveaways, have fun browing and please come back again. If you’re a regular here, why do you hop on over and sign up for a few giveaways – it never hurts to try – right? =)

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!