I just want to start by saying.. doing a week long event with posts every day is CrAzY!! I’m not planning on doing that again any time soon. 😛 Actually, I’m already planning another series, one about blogging, but I can guarantee that it’s going to be a weekly series. 😉 But enough about me – you want to know who the winners are, don’t you??

HOW MUCH do I love that all four of my linky participants won something? And it wasn’t just because their linky numbers came up – it was because they also commented somewhere else. (To choose I began counting with the linky participants and then continued counting the comments on each post in the order of the series and used a random generator to select the five winners. I didn’t count comments from myself or my mother – at her request.) So a big THANK YOU to the four of you who helped me break in my first ever Mr. Linky. Love y’all for that!

AND!!! A HUGE round of applause for my sponsors please?? Momma Knows @ 5 Kids and A Dog and Kelly @ Designs of Mine

Here’s the rest of the results:

1 – Colleen @ Mommy Always Wins : Christmas themed header.

2 – Renae @ Life Nurturing Education : “Wishes” by Sara Teasdale, a 28 page poetry copybook

4 – Brownie @ Running the Race : Celebrate the Seasons

6 – Kelly @ Designs of Mine : Seasons of Faith by Marcia Joslin Stoner.

11 – Kristina @ Mama Divas : “Christmas Covered Chocolate”

Each of you will receive emails from me, and, if you’re receiving a gift from one of my sponsors, from them also – so keep an eye out for those. Congrats to all who won and thanks to all who participated. Merry Christmas!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!