
I felt like some “fighting music” today! How about you? Let’s weigh in!

The Eating

This week I hardly had to think about what I was eating. True, I did eat out several times and I had to make wise decisions then. But at home, I’ve got all these healthy snacks handy, I’ve gotten used to the right sized portions, it was almost like running on auto-pilot! I did give in to sweets a little bit (last week was THAT week and THAT is when I really crave SWEETS and MEXICAN FOOD. Odd combination, I know.) So I gave in a little, but I didn’t overdo it. I bought a dessert but I shared it with my kiddos. That’s one of my tricks. Spread the calories around. 😉

The Exercising

I may have the most unorthodox exercise plan but I guess it’s helping! The kids and I will jump up and do exercises during commercials, we’ll randomly decide to grab 5 minutes here, I’ll decide to grab a set of jumping jacks or pushups before getting started on dinner. Whatever. I also have been trying to avoid sitting down. If I’m sitting down, I’m not moving. If I’m up, I’ve got to stay busy, clean something, cook something, organize something. If I’m moving around, I’m burning calories.

The Weigh-In

My official weigh-in this morning? 172 lbs. Down 1.5 pounds. YEEHAW!! That’s the reason for the fighting music. I’ve met my goal for October – and there’s still one more week. My goal? 169 for the final weigh-in. Then I’ll have to set a new personal goal for November I guess.

Online Resources

Speaking of weighing in, here’s an informative article about weighing.

More Info

  • Get the details about this challenge HERE.
  • Join the challenge HERE.
  • Follow me on Twitter or subscribe to my blog feed to find out when helpful links are posted.

Joining In:

If you’re joining in or writing a weigh-in post (even if you do it later in the week,) leave me a comment with your post link and I’ll add your name here:

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!