Okay, I have a busy week ahead of me and a busy day to boot! This week is VBS, which our church does in the evenings. Today being the first day there is a big kick-off event before-hand so we have to be there even earlier. I still want to try to get some school done this week and there’s still plenty of work to be done around my house!! So we’ll be busy, busy! But busy with good stuff.


1.) Bible Study:

Morning devotions with my women’s devotional bible – reading straight through the bible.

Memorize our church’s memory verse for this week.

2.) “MUST Do” List:

  • Stick to my daily schedule (as God allows) for morning devotions, taking care of the home and home-schooling.
  • Vacation Bible School (I’m a helper in the 2nd grade class.)
  • Iron Big Daddy’s clothes for each day, as a labor of love.

3.) Taking Care of My Home:

This week I’ll just stick the daily chores that need to be done, unless something comes up that has to be taken care of and then I’ll do that, too.

4.) Training My Children:

Last week was a hard week – all three of my kids regressed into some serious disobedience issues. So continuing into this week we’ll be working on having an obedient and serving attitude. I’ll be keeping an eagle eye to spot disobedience quickly and deal with it immediately instead of allowing to escalate!

At the same time, we’ll be doing our regular schooling activities, as well as starting a new lapbook – A new thing we just tried last week that I really like a lot!

5.) Menu Plan Monday:

  • Monday: We’ll be eating at the VBS kickoff
  • Tuesday: Meatloaf, Steamed Squash,Beans, Cornbread
  • Wednesday: Super Nachos
  • Thursday: Spaghetti, Salad, Bread
  • Friday: Homemade Pizza
  • Saturday: Leftovers
  • Sunday: Breakfast for Dinner
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!