We had a good Mother’s Day yesterday. We had nice time of worship and visiting at church, watched the Indiana Jones movies, made a new movie, and chatted for a while with my mom on Skype. All in all it was a good day. 🙂

This week we’ll continue preparing Princess for her test next week. She’s been doing really well, and I’m feeling much more relaxed about her taking the test. Also, our seeds we planted have started coming up (onions and cucumbers), so now I’ve really got to be on the ball about taking care of them, and hopefully this week we’ll find time to get some new seeds planted. Perhaps lettuce and cantaloupe? Plus, we’ll keep working on the hotspots in the kids rooms for Laura’s Organizing Round-up. Other than that, I really don’t think there’s anything on the schedule. No places to go, no times to be somewhere, no deadlines. Really?? Oh how nice!


1.) Bible Study: Morning devotions using this site to study my bible chronologically.

2.) “MUST Do” List:

  • Stick to my daily schedule (as God allows) for morning devotions, taking care of the home and home-schooling
  • Make some important phone calls.
  • Iron Big Daddy’s clothes for each day, as a labor of love.

3.) Taking Care of My Home:

Daily Chores and then focus on these areas for weekly chores:

  • Monday – Kitchen; Wash Lights
  • Tuesday – Dining Room; Wash Darks
  • Wednesday – Living Room; Wash Towels & Little Prince’s Bedding
  • Thursday – Master Bedroom & Bathroom; Wash Lights & Master Bedding
  • Friday – Kids’ Rooms; Wash Darks & Girls’ Bedding
  • Saturday – Wash Whites; Kids’ Bathroom; Clean Up Yard/Car

4.) Training My Children:

Continue working on math & language arts in preparation for next week’s assessment test. We also recently established a new system for cleaning up their rooms and we’ll be working to establish that as routine. This week Drama Queen gets to learn how to use the washing machine to wash her own clothes! She’s excited, for now. We’ll see how long that lasts. 🙂

5.) Menu Plan Monday


I’m going to take it easy again this week. My challenge this week: Hubby needs a break from chicken (he can barely tolerate it as it is) so I’m going to plan another week without any chicken. No chicken. None. Yikes.

  • Monday – Taco Salad
  • Tuesday – Meatball Subs
  • Wednesday – Grilled Cheese and chicken noodle soup
  • Thursday – Eating out
  • Friday – Cheese Enchiladas
  • Saturday -Chili & Cornbread
  • Sunday – Hamburgers with my family

Monday Meanderings is hosted by Tiany and Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura. Thanks ladies!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!