This week’s theme for WFMW is our “greatest hits.” Or in other words, lets cop-out and re-post something from the past since we’re all really busy.

Sounds good to me!

I pulled up my handy-dandy stats and I am pleased to present to you my:

“Top 5 WFMW Posts of All Time!”

5. Happy House Cleaning – Originally published February 28, 2007, this is my 5th most popular WFMW post. Everything on this list still rings true – except that my kids are all now a year older and can help a little more, and instead of sitting down to make to-do lists each day, I’ve made re-usable master to-do lists for each day of the week. Very time saving!

4. Clothing Storage & Organization Tips -From October 2007, I still use every tip on this post, too! However, I’ve now moved the storage bins from the corner of Little Prince’s closet to the top of the girls’ closet. This requires a step stool, but SO worth it to not having them taking up space in the bottom of the other closet!

3. 3 Kitchen Tips – I didn’t finagle it to make THREE Kitchen Tips the THIRD result but it really is. Once again, these tips are still in use, too. 🙂 I still make homemade Clorox Anywhere and use it every day! Published 12-13-06.

2. 5 Kitchen Tips That Really Work – Yes, as if three Kitchen Tips weren’t enough, here’s 5 more! 5 more super useful, still in practice Kitchen Tips from March 7, 2007.

1. Meal Planning – My top WFMW post of all time, “Meal Planning” from February 20, 2007, weighs in at a whopping (okay not really) 523 hits over the last year-ish. I’ve tweaked my menu planning process a little (as in I do most of it on the laptop instead of on a piece of paper and I don’t use coupons anymore because I buy mostly store brand) but the basic process is still the same, and I still swear by it. It’s the only way to make sure I stay within my grocery budget!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!