Hey all… It’s a cold and rainy day today so come on in. Check out a little bit of what I’ve found around the blogosphere and then we can all get back to work – cuz we all probably have some more important we could be doing, right?

Here’s a little bit about what’s been going on around here.. “Spring Cleaning” has been a little bit of a theme for me. I started with my kitchen, as a part of the Monthly Organizing Round-Up, and I’ll be working on my dining room next, but though I’ll follow along with some of her monthly organizing “challenges,” I have some things that just can’t wait. I want to get quite a bit of organizing and purging and deep cleaning done over this next month.

Read the Monthly Organizing Round-Up final post for kitchens here. Dining rooms are next up, and if you have any puzzling dining room dilemmas, Laura is taking questions here.

I’ve also been “Spring Cleaning” my blog a bit. I’ve been cleaning up my sidebar and extra pages a little. And I hope to get around to the links page I mentioned a while back. I’m also going to be starting up a new “series” soon, that I’m really excited about because it’s going to help me write some God-focused and hopefully thoughtful stuff. Hopefully. I’m not going to try to make it a regular weekly feature, because I’m not very good at that, but it’ll be regular.

Want a few spring cleaning related articles to read? Here you go:

Granted, Spring Cleaning isn’t quite as necessary if you have a great daily cleaning plan and already keep a fairly organized home, but it’s still a good opportunity to purge, review your organizational systems for needed improvements, and move the heavy furniture you don’t usually move for a good vacuuming or dusting underneath.

A friend sent me this amazing link this week. I just love hummingbirds, for the way they remind me that God is truly amazing and sovereign and creator of all things! But for as long as I have loved them, I have never seen pictures of baby hummingbirds, or even thought about how tiny their babies would be – check it out!

My friend, Katie, at Boasting In My Weakness, has just started a series of posts called Celebrating Christ’s Redemption. Easter is quickly approaching, you know! You can find her posts here and follow along as she leads us in ways to celebrate Easter.

Read my own post about Easter from last year. I haven’t really started planning Easter for this year – I should get on the ball!!

Congrats to my pastor and his wife on the birth of their new baby boy, Eli!

Well that’s about it for this week.. I’ve been slowly working on a fun post for the Ultimate Blog Party tomorrow.. see you there!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!