
I know, I’ve said it before. But I’ll say it again — God is good! He has blessed me so much through this challenge, showing me that I don’t have to be a slave to clutter, teaching me how to be a good steward of my home, showing me the importance of involving the kids and setting them up for good habits when they are one day on their own. I’ve seen again the blessing I have in my sister-in-law and my friends and family as they helped me and cheered me on. I have witnessed his provision of determination and perserverence when I was tired but somehow found the energy to get it done. This was important to me, and God saw me through it.

And now He’s done it again! By His grace I’ve been selected as the first prize winner! Isn’t that amazing? The first thing I am doing is taking my sister-in-law out for a treat! She earned it. =) And the rest will go towards Christmas. I’m SO grateful.

This sounds hoaky, but it is true: This has been a life-altering experience for me. It gave me a kick in the behind that I sorely needed. I’ve had great intentions, big plans, and a strong desire to get my house re-organized for quite some time. But I allowed myself to think it would never happen unless I hired 20 people to come in and help me get it done! It is harder to get things done with little kids, but it’s not impossible. I want everybody else in my shoes to see that one thing, right there. It’s not impossible. Call a friend! (Call ME if you need to!) 😛 Most importantly, lean on God. Getting organized is a good thing, and an important thing, but more importantly, I think it’s a good thing in order to be a good steward of all that God has given me: my time, my things, my home, my family. I think that if that’s your desire, and you lean on Him for help, He’ll give you the help you need to get there.

I’m still working on the other hotspots in my house. My bedroom has now been re-organized and de-cluttered. It wasn’t as bad as the kids, but it wasn’t cleaned and de-cluttered. Our bedrooms always suffered because I spent so much time on the living areas of the house and never made it to the bedrooms. That could still happen again. But I am working on purging and organizing in the living areas as well, so that they no longer demand more time than I have in my day. It will be interesting to see just how God grows me through this and from this point on. It will be good to see my children learn to be good stewards as well.

Anyway, all this to say “God is good,” when I those three words alone would have sufficed!! SO: God is good! All the time!

  • See the Organizational Challenge results here.
  • Read OrgJunkie’s post “Organizing is an Ongoing Process…” here.
  • Read about my organizational journey here.
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!