getfit2.jpgNot just because of the new year, but just because I need to anyway… one of the things I hope to accomplish this year is to become a little healthier by eating healthier, exercising more, and yes – losing weight, too. It’s not all about vanity or pride, though I am looking forward to feeling more energetic and fitting into my clothes better. I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t at all about losing weight and only about making good decisions. At the same time, though, it’s also about making good decisions, being a better steward of the body that God gave me, and passing on healthy habits to my children.

One of the ways that I hope to accomplish this is by participating in the National Body Challenge. I’m hoping that having the meal and exercise plans already laid out will help make things a little easier. I’m having a little trouble navigating the website, I don’t know if it is my connection or computer or what. And I’m finding editing the daily menu a little tedious. So I haven’t decided if I am going to try to use their resources and count my calories or use my own and count Weight Watchers points like I used to (and am already familiar with) or find something else.

Regardless, I did find a lot of good information on They have a lot of resources including the MyPyramid Plan and the MyPyramid Tracker as well as several resources and games for kids, which is convenient, since I’m planning on getting the kids involved with me. We all need to exercise and we all need to healthy, so let’s do it! Of course, some of this conveniently doubles as homeschool material. =)

Each Friday, before I need to make my menu and plan the school assignments for the next week during the weekend, I’ll be looking for healthy recipes, informative resources, websites and printables for school, etc. Of course, I’ll also be tracking my progress with the weight loss, too.

Hopefully each Friday I’ll also set aside a time to write a post to share any useful links or information I find, for anyone that is working on weight loss resolutions or participating in the national body challenge also. I’m not going to add a Mr. Linky or anything, but I’m also not going to stop anyone from joining in so if you wanna, go for it! Let’s be good stewards of our time, our health and our bodies. Let’s take care of what God has given us and teach our children to do the same thing. Let’s get healthy.

Here’s to good health in 2008.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!