by Classic Housewife



Image credit: Christmas Baby

Christ-Centered Holiday Traditions

 — And other posts about homeschooling the holidays —

Why Do We Still Do a Christmas Tree?

We don't do a lot of other American Christmas traditions so why do we still do a Christmas tree? You ...

Experience-Based Christmas Bingo Game!

We use the season of Advent to celebrate Christmas at our house, to focus on Jesus during the month, but ...

Advent Begins Today! Here’s Your Resources

Advent begins today! Ring the bells, light the candles, and cue the music - Advent begins today. =)  I'm sure ...

Advent Scripture Reading Calendar 2018

FREE PRINTABLE ADVENT SCRIPTURE READING CALENDAR Advent begins this Sunday -- and for the first time in YEARS I am ...

Making Advent Happen (With Free Printable)

Many years ago we started celebrating Advent to usher in the Christmas holiday season and help focus our hearts on ...
Minecraft Gifts

A Guide List for Minecraft Gifts

A Guide List for Minecraft Gifts Raise your hand if your kids like Minecraft? All three of my kids do, ...
marvel gift guide

A Super Gift Guide for Marvel Fans

Where are my fellow Marvel fans? Marvel heroes are one of our geeky fandoms here. So it only seems fitting ...
Study Devotional Resources Christmas Advent

Study and Devotional Resources for Christmas and Advent

Thanksgiving is barely gone and my mind is turning toward Christmas and Advent! It doesn't help that we've been practicing Christmas ...
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Come Shoot The Breeze With Me & Thrifty Thursday « Bringing Good Home
December 7, 2007 1:06 am

[…] would be a worshipful spirit, you know between the sibling rivalry and the messes) while doing our Advent activities this week. The kids are really enjoying it. So far we have put up our Christmas tree and about half […]

December 6, 2008 9:06 am


Labor Day Links | A Classic Housewife Celebrating the Holidays
September 4, 2009 2:31 pm

[…] celebrate the holiday with a Chrit-centered focus, this excerpt from our Holiday Celebrations Ideas was written by my IRL friend, Katie @ Boasting in My Weakness for a project we worked on together a […]

Hallow-What? : A Halloween Special | A Classic Housewife Celebrating the Holidays
October 19, 2009 2:07 pm

[…] in separate posts for each of them. However, you can find information about them right now, on my Holiday Celebrations page (just scroll down to their […]

Keeping Perspective Through The Holidays | A Classic Housewife Celebrating the Holidays
November 5, 2009 12:10 am

[…] also be doing another one this year in about a month!). I also have a section for Advent on my Holiday Celebrations page with links to informative websites, such […]