I’ve been scouring the internet searching for freebies. Mostly school freebies, but I’ve found a few other things as well. I’ve been printing a lot of supplementary stuff for our 2nd grader to help her with her math. I did find several websites with a lot of great math printables. But I also found these cool links:

Have an afternoon and need something fun for your kids to do? Try these Simple Pop Ups You Can Make. Check out the Christmas Tree one, wouldn’t that make a neat Christmas card? Of course, these are only for older children who you trust with a pair of scissors. 😉

If animal science is your thing, download this Endangered Species Coloring Book! This coloring book has pages to color and information about the different animals. Did you know the Mission Blue Butterfly is endangered? I didn’t either.

One for your blog: try this handy dandy Button Maker. (I think I’ve been watching a little too much Blues Clues?)

How Stuff Works : From computers to people to food to science, this website is full of articles explaining how stuff works. Informative for any age level. For example, you can read this article about how gravity works. And by the way, did you know that parts of Canada has less of it?

McGruff’s Child Safety! I really like the look of this one. It’s loaded with tons of safety advice for your kids: strangers, safety at home, saying no to drugs and so much more. Using games, stories, and other fun stuff you can teach your kids to think about tough situations and how to be safe in them. Not that it’s a replacement for parental responsibility, but it does look like a fun way to reinforce it.

Fire Safety – A website by the U.S. Fire Administration, uses games to teach children about fire safety.

Free Spelling Curriculum, 30 Lessons for 6-8 grade – An entire curriculum for free. It comes with instructions and everything. If you’re trying to save money on books this could really help! I’m sure you could do a lot of it on your own notebook paper, too, by reading off the list of words for your child to write down, instead of printing it and using so much ink.

Cyber Guides: “Supplementary, standards-based, web-delivered units of instruction centered on core works of literature.” Okay, that doesn’t sound nearly as cool as it is. These are complete them units for popular children’s literature. Just click on the age group and then the book and -poof- instant language arts lessons. For example, while reading Charlotte’s Web, your child will pick an animal from a pet adoption website and write a persuasive essay to their parents about why they should be allowed to adopt it; pick an animal, create a spider chart, and write an essay about how to take care of that animal as a pet; write a 3 paragraph report about spiders; write a descriptive paragraph a barns; and create a state fair brochure. Cool!

Browse this list of free homeschool resources such as virtual science experiments and factory tours.

I’m also linking this to Thrifty Thursday at Boasting In My Weakness!! Check it out for more great deals.

Well, this week is already half over. The weekend is right around the corner – God Bless!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!