
It’s Monday again! I’ve got my week planned and things are looking good. Here’s what is on the menu for this week:


  • Breakfast – cereal
  • Lunch – sandwiches, carrots & ranch, orange wedges, string cheese
  • Snack – crackers & peanut butter
  • Supper – tuna fettuccine alfredo


  • Breakfast – IHOP’s Swedish Pancakes
  • Lunch – baked potatoes
  • Snack – Popcorn and apple slices with peanut butter
  • Supper – Meatloaf, ranch beans, steamed broccoli


  • Breakfast – eggs, bacon, & bicuits
  • Lunch – leftovers
  • Snack – fruit smoothies
  • Supper – hamburgers, home fries, corn on the cob


  • Breakfast – cereal
  • Lunch – corn dogs, mac n cheese
  • Snack – orange wedges, popcorn, raisins
  • Supper – baked potato soup with cheese & bacon bits, salad


  • Breakfast – eggs, sausage links, fruit
  • Lunch – leftovers & salad
  • Snack – “trail mix” (corn flakes, cheerios, raisins, peanuts…)
  • Supper – chili


  • Breakfast – biscuits, gravy, turkey bacon
  • Lunch – frito pie
  • Snack – jello & mixed fruit
  • Supper –Giada’s Chicken Parmesan, fresh green beans, red potatoes


  • Breakfast – cereal
  • Lunch – leftovers
  • Snack – homemade granola bars
  • Supper – turkey spaghetti, salad, bread

I’m also excited to say I got my first two vegetable plants yesterday! Yay! I got two tomato plants from a friend and they already have a few baby, pea-sized tomatoes on them. I can’t wait to have home grown tomatoes to cook with!! I’d like to have a whole garden, but this is my first baby step. W00-hoo!!In the meantime, if you’re looking for more menu plans and recipes, head to Laura’s, she’s got tons of them!! 😉 Have a blessed week!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!