
A few things going on here, there, and all over. Enjoy.

Last week, Drama Queen turned FOUR! Yay! We had a lot of fun…She had a friend come spend the night with her and then she had a dress up party the next day. The theme was Charlie & Lola but with there being no Charlie & Lola birthday party supplies we focused on fun & butterflies and we made our own.

If you have no idea what or who Charlie & Lola are, they are a brother and sister created by British author Lauren Child. They are also now a cartoon on the Disney Channel. And I must say that we absolutely every so much really do adore Charlie & Lola!! 🙂

We made all the stuff ourselves. We made the invitations:





The decorations:



And the pinata (my inner perfectionist says – it’s crooked, grrr):



She was very specific about wanting a DORA cake though… go figure. 🙂



The girls picked a bouquet of flowers and brought them in for a centerpiece. Awww, how sweeet. 🙂



For her birthday she received a new book, a disney princess nightgown, a DORA Chutes & Ladders, a ladybug dress up set, and a my little pony. It was just the right amount. She loves them all.

Oh, and I must mention – the Thursday before her birthday she had a grandma day with Nanny and Nanny just spoiled her rotten!! But that’s part of what grandmas are supposed to do. 🙂

We’re leaving the decorations up until Easter. Our easter celebration will culminate in a family get together Easter evening. It will also be a time of celebration for both girls’ birthdays (Easter falls exactly in between their birthdays.) We started celebrating with little friends and with the family separately last year so that all the adults didn’t have to sit through all the giggling. 🙂 Not only that, but my sister-in-law shares a birthday with Drama Queen and my mother in law’s birthday is today so it’ll be a big celebration all around.

Speaking of Easter, I received my gift card to CBD that I won in the Blog Party and I’ve used it to purchase small Easter gifts for the girls. In doing away with the egg hunt, I’ve decided to add a spiritually minded Easter gift. I’m getting Princess the ICB God’s Princess Bible and I’m getting Drama Queen the God’s Little Princess ICB Devotional Bible. I’m really excited because I really think they are going to like them. 🙂

On other home topics… We took off a couple of weeks from schooling because I was sick and because of Spring Break. So we’re back in the saddle again, with a revised, more specific school schedule. Hopefully it helps because I feel miserable. Again. *Yuck!*

And now for your reading pleasure, a few good internet reads:

Meet DeeDee at It Coulda Been Worse, she’s hilarious. Especially here and here.

An inspiring read by Amy at Laughing Through the Tears.. she really makes me smile because of her faith and love.

A thought-provoking post from my pastor at Colossians Three Sixteen.

Don’t forget about Laura’s new Organizational Challenge coming up on April 3rd!

An encouraging reminder from the devotionals at Laced With Grace!

A good giggle from Beth Moore’s blog, posted by her daughter Amanda.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!